path: root/config/
blob: 45ff71a39327b6e2339b1d1e08c62cc4692e71db (plain)
  1. # IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file
  2. #
  3. # Seed info for creating ikiwiki setup file.
  4. #
  5. # Passing this to ikiwiki --setup ... --dumpsetup will make ikiwiki
  6. # generate its setup file.
  7. #
  8. # Remember to remove ikiwiki.setup and re-run make init any time you
  9. # edit this file.
  10. #
  11. # name of the wiki
  12. wikiname: Omnipresence
  13. adminemail:
  14. url:
  15. #cgiurl:
  16. add_plugins:
  17. #- search
  18. - sidebar
  19. - branding
  20. - topbar
  21. - copyright
  22. - license
  23. - osm
  24. - graphviz
  25. disable_plugins:
  26. - editpage
  27. - htmlscrubber
  28. - passwordauth
  29. - openid
  30. - recentchanges
  31. discussion: 0
  32. discussionpage: Diskussion
  33. html5: 1
  34. timeformat: '%a %b %e %Y'
  35. locale: en_US.UTF-8
  36. timezone: Europe/Copenhagen
  37. #historyurl: ';a=history;f=[[file]]'
  38. #diffurl:;a=blobdiff;h=[[sha1_to]];hp=[[sha1_from]];hb=[[sha1_parent]];f=[[file]]
  39. #gitorigin_branch: ''
  40. allowrss: 1
  41. allowatom: 1
  42. multimarkdown: 1
  43. tagbase: tag
  44. tag_autocreate: 1
  45. tag_autocreate_commit: 1