# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file # # Seed info for creating ikiwiki setup file. # # Passing this to ikiwiki --setup ... --dumpsetup will make ikiwiki # generate its setup file. # # Remember to remove ikiwiki.setup and re-run make init any time you # edit this file. # # name of the wiki wikiname: Omnipresence adminemail: webmaster@couchdesign.dk url: http://omni.kassandra-production.dk/ #cgiurl: http://omni.kassandra-production.dk/ikiwiki.cgi add_plugins: #- search - sidebar - branding - topbar - copyright - license - osm - graphviz disable_plugins: - editpage - htmlscrubber - passwordauth - openid - recentchanges discussion: 0 discussionpage: Diskussion html5: 1 timeformat: '%a %b %e %Y' locale: en_US.UTF-8 timezone: Europe/Copenhagen #historyurl: 'http://source.couchdesign.dk/?p=web-omni/content.git;a=history;f=[[file]]' #diffurl: http://source.couchdesign.dk/?p=web-omni/content.git;a=blobdiff;h=[[sha1_to]];hp=[[sha1_from]];hb=[[sha1_parent]];f=[[file]] #gitorigin_branch: '' allowrss: 1 allowatom: 1 multimarkdown: 1 tagbase: tag tag_autocreate: 1 tag_autocreate_commit: 1