path: root/nummer5/baadelaug
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
4 daysuse homepage listing (not navigational instruction)Jonas Smedegaard
7 daysfix flatten quotation markJonas Smedegaard
7 daysshape teaser imagesSiri Reiter
7 daysfix subtitleSiri Reiter
7 daysremove leadSiri Reiter
7 daysremove fixmes and place imagesSiri Reiter
7 daysplace images; minor text and markup corrections; add leadsSiri Reiter
8 daysproperly add URIJonas Smedegaard
8 dayssuppress maybe superfluous box author hintsJonas Smedegaard
8 daysfix sub and subsubtitle annotationJonas Smedegaard
8 daysfix and tighten punctuationJonas Smedegaard
8 daysuse inline hyperlinkJonas Smedegaard
8 daysadd URIJonas Smedegaard
8 daysadd metadataJonas Smedegaard
8 daysadd imagesJonas Smedegaard
8 daystighten whitespace, using semantic newlinesJonas Smedegaard
8 daysadd article baadelaugJonas Smedegaard