path: root/voctocore/README.md
blob: e47ec5144c187bc043d7990a462475d8e308c34c (plain)

Server-Pipeline Structure

17000… VSource (Stream-Blanker) -----\
18000  ASource (Stream-Blanker) ------\
16000 VSource (Background)              \
                      \                  \
                       --> VideoMix       \
                      /             \      -> StreamBlanker -> StreamOutputPort 15000
                     /               \    /
                    /                 ------> OutputPort 11000
                   /                 /    \-> Encoder* -> PreviewPort* 12000
                  /                 /
                 /----- -> AudioMix
10000… AVSource --> MirrorPort 13000…
                \-> Encoder* -> PreviewPort* 14000…

*) only when encode_previews=true is configured

Control Protocol

TCP-Port 9999

< set_video_a cam1
> ok

< set_composite_mode side_by_side_equal
> ok

< get_output_port
> ok 11000

< get_video_a
> ok 0 cam1

< set_composite_mode
> ok side_by_side_equal

< set_video_a blafoo
> error "blafoo" is no known src

< set_stream_blank pause
> ok

< set_stream_live
> ok


> signal set_video_a cam1
> signal set_composite_mode side_by_side_equal


Messages are Client-to-Client information that don't touch the server, while being distributed on its control-socket:

< message foo bar moo
> ok

… on a nother connection

> signal message foo bar moo