path: root/example-scripts/gstreamer
diff options
authorMaZderMind <git@mazdermind.de>2016-02-09 21:52:29 +0100
committerMaZderMind <git@mazdermind.de>2016-02-09 21:52:29 +0100
commitfaf3fb77169bd7b4f9258e555649a4aaf2d1813f (patch)
treeb8897d00b072565fb135751371caf07bbc918afa /example-scripts/gstreamer
parentc1cc1078b758346a514c399a5a7ed71d7fc46571 (diff)
parent5352bfa148eecb02eed944c8b9e72cb16abc3cc7 (diff)
Merge branch 'audio-playback-tool'
Diffstat (limited to 'example-scripts/gstreamer')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/example-scripts/gstreamer/source-nostream-music-from-folder.py b/example-scripts/gstreamer/source-nostream-music-from-folder.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a176a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example-scripts/gstreamer/source-nostream-music-from-folder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os, sys, gi, signal, random
+import argparse, logging, pyinotify
+gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
+from gi.repository import Gst, GObject, GLib
+# init GObject & Co. before importing local classes
+class Directory(object):
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self.log = logging.getLogger('Directory')
+ self.path = path
+ self.scheduled = False
+ self.rescan()
+ self.log.debug('setting up inotify watch for %s', self.path)
+ wm = pyinotify.WatchManager()
+ notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(wm,
+ timeout=10,
+ default_proc_fun=self.inotify_callback)
+ wm.add_watch(
+ self.path,
+ #pyinotify.ALL_EVENTS,
+ pyinotify.IN_DELETE | pyinotify.IN_CREATE | pyinotify.IN_MODIFY,
+ rec=True)
+ GLib.io_add_watch(
+ notifier._fd,
+ GLib.IO_IN,
+ self.io_callback,
+ notifier)
+ def inotify_callback(self, notifier):
+ self.log.info('inotify callback %s: %s', notifier.maskname, notifier.pathname)
+ if not self.scheduled:
+ self.scheduled = True
+ GLib.timeout_add(100, self.rescan)
+ return True
+ def io_callback(self, source, condition, notifier):
+ notifier.process_events()
+ while notifier.check_events():
+ notifier.read_events()
+ notifier.process_events()
+ return True
+ def is_playable_file(self, filepath):
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)
+ return ext in ['.mp3', '.ogg', '.oga', '.wav', '.m4a', '.flac', 'self.opus']
+ def rescan(self):
+ self.log.info('scanning directory %s', self.path)
+ self.scheduled = False
+ all_files = []
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.path):
+ files = filter(self.is_playable_file, files)
+ files = map(lambda f: os.path.join(root, f), files)
+ files = list(files)
+ self.log.debug('found directory %s: %u playable file(s)', root, len(files))
+ all_files.extend(files)
+ self.log.info('found %u playable files', len(all_files))
+ self.files = all_files
+ def get_random_file(self):
+ return random.choice(self.files)
+ def get_random_uri(self):
+ return 'file://'+self.get_random_file()
+class LoopSource(object):
+ def __init__(self, directory):
+ self.log = logging.getLogger('LoopSource')
+ self.directory = directory
+ pipeline = """
+ audioresample name=join !
+ audioconvert !
+ audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,channels=2,layout=interleaved,rate=48000 !
+ matroskamux !
+ tcpclientsink host=localhost port=18000
+ """
+ # Parsing Pipeline
+ self.log.debug('creating pipeline\n%s', pipeline)
+ self.pipeline = Gst.parse_launch(pipeline)
+ # Selecting inital URI
+ inital_uri = self.directory.get_random_uri()
+ self.log.info('initial track %s', inital_uri)
+ # Create decoder-element
+ self.src = Gst.ElementFactory.make('uridecodebin', None)
+ self.src.set_property('uri', inital_uri);
+ self.src.connect('pad-added', self.on_pad_added)
+ self.pipeline.add(self.src)
+ # Save pad on the Join-Element
+ self.joinpad = self.pipeline.get_by_name('join').get_static_pad('sink')
+ # Binding End-of-Stream-Signal on Source-Pipeline
+ self.pipeline.bus.add_signal_watch()
+ self.pipeline.bus.connect("message::eos", self.on_eos)
+ self.pipeline.bus.connect("message::error", self.on_error)
+ self.log.debug('setting pipeline to playing')
+ self.pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)
+ def on_pad_added(self, src, pad):
+ self.log.debug('new pad on decoder, setting pad-probe')
+ pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.EVENT_DOWNSTREAM | Gst.PadProbeType.BLOCK, self.on_pad_event)
+ if self.joinpad.is_linked():
+ self.log.debug('unlinking with joinpad')
+ self.joinpad.unlink(self.joinpad.get_peer())
+ clock = self.pipeline.get_clock()
+ if clock:
+ runtime = clock.get_time() - self.pipeline.get_base_time()
+ self.log.debug('setting pad offset to pipeline runtime: %sns', runtime)
+ pad.set_offset(runtime)
+ self.log.debug('linking with joinpad')
+ pad.link(self.joinpad)
+ def on_pad_event(self, pad, info):
+ event = info.get_event()
+ self.log.debug('event %s on pad %s', event.type, pad)
+ if event.type == Gst.EventType.EOS:
+ self.log.debug('scheduling next track and dropping EOS-Event')
+ GObject.idle_add(self.next_track)
+ return Gst.PadProbeReturn.DROP
+ return Gst.PadProbeReturn.PASS
+ def next_track(self):
+ next_uri = self.directory.get_random_uri()
+ self.log.info('next track %s', next_uri)
+ self.src.set_state(Gst.State.READY)
+ self.src.set_property('uri', next_uri);
+ self.src.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)
+ return False
+ def on_eos(self, bus, message):
+ self.log.info('received EOS-Event on bus, exiting')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def on_error(self, bus, message):
+ self.log.warning('received Error-Event on bus, exiting')
+ (error, debug) = message.parse_error()
+ self.log.warning('Error-Details: #%u: %s', error.code, debug)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Voctocore Music-Source')
+ parser.add_argument('directory')
+ parser.add_argument('-v|-vv', '--verbose', action='count', default=0,
+ help="Also print INFO and DEBUG messages.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.verbose >= 2:
+ level = logging.DEBUG
+ elif args.verbose == 1:
+ level = logging.INFO
+ else:
+ level = logging.WARNING
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ level=level,
+ format='%(levelname)8s %(name)s: %(message)s')
+ directory = Directory(args.directory)
+ src = LoopSource(directory)
+ mainloop = GObject.MainLoop()
+ try:
+ mainloop.run()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print('Terminated via Ctrl-C')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()