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Learn Danish with ease

You have 3 options:

  1. Free e-mail service
  2. Danish courses designed for you (1-1, in a small group, via phone or Skype)
  3. The 3-hour workshop [[OpenDanish|opendanish.pdf]]

Free Danish e-mail lessons

Sign up for the free e-mails [[Learn Danish - with ease|/en/danish/free]] in order to get hints and links to learn the Danish language and to get some insights into the Danish culture.
My aim is, to help and inspire you learn Danish as well as to cope in the Danish society.

Learn Danish with ease is addressing beginners and is mainly presented in English.

Another free e-mail service, mainly presented in Danish, is offered to intermediate and skilled learners. The name of that service is: Lær dansk - hver dag.

[[Click here to read more !|/en/danish/free]]

Danish courses

Contact me in order to create a designed for you Danish course.

You can learn Danish:

  • via Skype or phone
  • 1-1
  • in a small group with other adult students eager to practice and understand everyday Danish.

When you choose to study with me, the atmosphere is informal - and - the focus is on YOU, your needs and desires.

By allowing the learning process to be affective and relating, your motivation and ability to achieve new language skills are improved.

Though the atmosphere is informal, you will still have to practice pronunciation, bend verbs, know some basic grammar and do homework.

My goals for your achievements are high.

You must take responsibility for your own learning process by asking anything and everything of importance to you.

When choosing me as your Danish teacher, you will learn by doing. Through trial and error you'll get better, better and better

  • inch by inch - bit by bit - word by word - and: You'll actually speak Danish during your first lesson!

###Are you ready to 'say yes' a course of 15 lessons of 120 minutes ?

Flexible scheduling - ask for your preferred week-day and time at


Choose the 3-hour [[OpenDanish|opendanish.pdf]] workshop, in order to

  • practice speaking Danish
  • get answers to your questions
  • meet others who are eager to learn Danish and to be able to cope in the Danish society.

For more information write

[[View or download infosheet about OpenDanish workshops|opendanish.pdf]]

Do you need to consider ...

Send an e-mail to: to get a list of resources to get you started.

Ready to study with me ?

Send an e-mail to: and let us find a suitable schedule for you.

[[Find prices here|/dansk/enetimer/priser]] for a Danish language course with 15 lessons of 120 minutes just for you or to share with with 1 or 2 others as a small group. Additional expenses to cover books, meeting room, transportation and lodging - as per agreement, apply.

Learn in an informal but targeted way.

Choose me, Birgit Månestråle, as your Danish teacher because

  • I'm on your side
  • I interact with you, giving you opportunities to use Danish
  • I understand your frustrations and challenges because, as an adult, I've experienced not being able to express myself
  • I dare you - and I “hold your hand” while learning “to dare to speak”
  • I encourage you to: Keep on keeping on - in order for you to reach your goal: Being able to understand, speak and write everyday Danish.

For appointments and further information: Write me at:

[[Udtaletræning og samtale på telefon eller via Skype|/sprog/skype/dansk]]
[[Privatundervisning i dansk|/dansk/enetimer]]
[[Workshop OpenDanish (pdf på dansk)|]]
[[Workshop OpenDanish (pdf in English)|]]
[[Læs om studiegruppen: Jeg er god til dansk|/dansk/god_til]]

[[!tag laer_dansk dansk danskundervisning learn_danish danish language danish_language open_danish free e-mailservice gratis]]