path: root/css/main.scss
blob: 7a400e48a3ad3fef7cf13cce8311c73534712285 (plain)
  1. /* @group General styles */
  2. /*
  3. Harmonise v1.3
  4. Resets styles then adds basic typographical styling.
  5. Use as a starting point upon which to build more CSS.
  6. By
  7. */
  8. $base-font-family: "helvetica neue", arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
  9. /* @group Reset */
  10. @import "normalize";
  11. @include normalize();
  12. /* @group Font families */
  13. pre, code, kbd, tt, samp, tt {
  14. font-family: "andale mono", monospace;
  15. }
  16. /* @end */
  17. /* @group Font sizes & margins */
  18. p, ul, ol, dl, address, table, pre, form, fieldset {
  19. font-size: 1em /* 14px */;
  20. margin-bottom: 0.5em;
  21. }
  22. /* size headings using classic scale of 16, 18, 24, 36 */
  23. /* @end */
  24. /* @group Headings */
  25. h1 {
  26. font-size: 2.571em /* 36px */;
  27. line-height:1em /* 36px */;
  28. margin-top:0.1667em /* 6px */;
  29. margin-bottom:0.5833em /* 21px */;
  30. }
  31. h1 span {
  32. font-size: 0.5em;
  33. line-height: 1;
  34. color: #999;
  35. display: block;
  36. margin-bottom: 0.3em;
  37. }
  38. h2, h3 {
  39. font-size:1.143em /* 16px */;
  40. margin-top:0;
  41. padding-bottom: 0.5em;
  42. margin-bottom:0.5em /* 8px */;
  43. text-align: center;
  44. border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
  45. }
  46. h4 {
  47. margin-top:1em /* 21px */;
  48. font-size:1em /* 14px */;
  49. margin-bottom: 0.5em;
  50. }
  51. h5, h6 {
  52. font-size:1em /* 14px */;
  53. margin-bottom: 0.5em;
  54. }
  55. /* @end */
  56. /* @group Lists */
  57. ul {
  58. list-style-type: disc;
  59. margin-left: 1.5em; /* 21px */
  60. }
  61. ol {
  62. list-style-type: decimal;
  63. margin-left: 1.5em; /* 21px */
  64. }
  65. dt {
  66. font-weight: bold;
  67. margin-top: 1.5em; /* 21px */
  68. }
  69. ul ul, ol ol, ol ul, ul ol {
  70. margin-bottom: 0;
  71. }
  72. /* @end */
  73. /* @group Tables */
  74. table {
  75. border-bottom: 1px solid #C7C7C7;
  76. }
  77. caption {
  78. font-weight: bold;
  79. padding-bottom: 0.4375em; /* 7px */
  80. font-size:1.144em; /* 16px */
  81. }
  82. thead th {
  83. border-bottom: 3px solid #C7C7C7;
  84. padding-top: 0;
  85. padding-bottom: 0.5em; /* 7px */
  86. }
  87. tbody {
  88. border-top: 3px solid #C7C7C7; /* not rendered in IE6/7 */
  89. }
  90. tbody tr th, tbody tr td {
  91. border-top: 1px solid #C7C7C7;
  92. }
  93. th, td {
  94. text-align: left;
  95. padding: 0.286em 0.5em 0.214em 0.5em; /* 4px 7px 3px 7px */
  96. }
  97. /* @end */
  98. /* @group Blockquotes */
  99. blockquote {
  100. font-style: italic;
  101. margin:0 0 0 0; /* 21px */
  102. color: #999;
  103. }
  104. p+p+blockquote {
  105. margin-top: 1.5em /* 21px */;
  106. }
  107. blockquote cite,
  108. blockquote em {
  109. font-style: normal;
  110. }
  111. /* @end */
  112. /* @group Other styling */
  113. address {
  114. font-style: normal;
  115. }
  116. ins {
  117. text-decoration: underline;
  118. color: #27AD16;
  119. }
  120. del {
  121. text-decoration: line-through;
  122. color: #B60D10;
  123. }
  124. pre {
  125. white-space: pre;
  126. width: 100%;
  127. font-size: 0.7em;
  128. overflow: hidden;
  129. border-top: 3px double #C7C7C7;
  130. border-bottom: 3px double #C7C7C7;
  131. padding: 0.5em 0;
  132. }
  133. hr {
  134. border: none;
  135. background-color: black;
  136. height: 1px;
  137. }
  138. /* @end */
  139. /* @end */
  140. /* @group Helper styles */
  141. /* @group Forms */
  142. /* @group Containers */
  143. form .container {
  144. margin-bottom: 1.5em; /* 21px */
  145. }
  146. /* @group Fieldsets */
  147. fieldset {
  148. border: 1px solid #ccc;
  149. padding: 0 1.5em 1em 1.5em; /* 0 21px 14px 21px */
  150. }
  151. legend {
  152. font-weight: bold;
  153. }
  154. form fieldset .container {
  155. margin-top: 1em; /* 14px */
  156. margin-bottom:0;
  157. position: relative;
  158. }
  159. /* @end */
  160. /* @end */
  161. /* @group Labels */
  162. label {
  163. font-weight: bold;
  164. cursor: pointer;
  165. }
  166. .meta-label {
  167. font-weight: bold;
  168. margin-bottom: 0;
  169. }
  170. .multi-container label,
  171. .radio-container label,
  172. .checkbox-container label {
  173. font-weight: normal;
  174. }
  175. .radio-container label,
  176. .checkbox-container label {
  177. display: block;
  178. }
  179. .compact label {
  180. display: inline;
  181. }
  182. /* @end */
  183. /* @group Meta */
  184. form .help {
  185. display: block;
  186. color: #777;
  187. font-style: normal;
  188. font-size: 0.857em; /* 12px */
  189. }
  190. /* @end */
  191. /* @group Form controls */
  192. input, textarea, select, button {
  193. font-family: inherit;
  194. font-size: 1em;
  195. line-height: inherit;
  196. }
  197. select {
  198. background-color: #fff; /* fixes bug in Opera which inherits bgcolor from container */
  199. }
  200. textarea,
  201. input[type='text'],
  202. input[type='password'],
  203. select {
  204. border-width: 1px;
  205. border-style: solid;
  206. border-top-color: #999;
  207. border-left-color: #999;
  208. border-bottom-color: #ccc;
  209. border-right-color: #ccc;
  210. padding: 0 1px 1px 1px;
  211. }
  212. textarea:focus,
  213. input[type='text']:focus,
  214. input[type='password']:focus,
  215. select:focus {
  216. border-color: #888;
  217. outline: 2px solid #ffffaa;
  218. }
  219. input.short {
  220. width: 4em;
  221. }
  222. input.medium, textarea.medium {
  223. width: 12em;
  224. }
  225. input.long, textarea.long {
  226. width: 30em;
  227. }
  228. textarea {
  229. width: 99%;
  230. display: block;
  231. }
  232. button {
  233. overflow: visible;
  234. cursor: pointer;
  235. }
  236. .button-container input {
  237. font-weight: bold;
  238. }
  239. .button-container input.cancel {
  240. font-weight: normal;
  241. }
  242. {
  243. border: 0;
  244. padding: 0;
  245. background-color: #fff;
  246. font-weight: normal;
  247. cursor: pointer;
  248. width: auto;
  249. overflow: visible;
  250. }
  251. /* accessibility feature, resize check and radio inputs */
  252. .radio-container input,
  253. .checkbox-container input {
  254. width: 1em;
  255. height: 1em;
  256. }
  257. /* @end */
  258. /* @end */
  259. .amp {
  260. font-family: "Bell MT", "Adobe Caslon Pro", "Goudy Old Style";
  261. font-style: italic;
  262. font-size: 1.3em;
  263. line-height: 0.7;
  264. margin: 0 0.2em 0 0.1em;
  265. }
  266. /* @end */
  267. /* @group Page structure */
  268. #book {
  269. margin: 10px;
  270. overflow: hidden;
  271. }
  272. .page {
  273. width: 241px;
  274. height: 370px;
  275. overflow: hidden;
  276. outline: 1px solid #C7C7C7;
  277. float: left;
  278. margin: 10px;
  279. position: relative;
  280. }
  281. .inner {
  282. margin: 15px;
  283. }
  284. .footer {
  285. position: absolute;
  286. bottom: 15px;
  287. left: 15px;
  288. width: 211px;
  289. }
  290. /* @end */
  291. /* @group Page Components */
  292. /* @group Page Types */
  293. /* class on page */
  294. .lines {
  295. background-image: url(../img/lines.gif);
  296. background-repeat: repeat-y;
  297. background-position: 15px 1em;
  298. }
  299. .squares {
  300. }
  301. .isometric {
  302. }
  303. /* @end */
  304. /* @group Page Elements */
  305. /* @group Todo list */
  306. .todo {
  307. padding-left: 0;
  308. margin-left: 0;
  309. }
  310. .todo li {
  311. border-bottom: 1px solid #C7C7C7;
  312. background-image: url(../img/check.gif);
  313. background-repeat: no-repeat;
  314. background-position: 0 0.3em;
  315. list-style-type: none;
  316. margin: 0.35em 0 0 0;
  317. padding: 0 0 0.35em 15px;
  318. }
  319. /* @end */
  320. .micro p,
  321. .micro h3,
  322. .micro h4,
  323. .micro h5,
  324. .micro h6,
  325. h3.micro,
  326. h4.micro,
  327. h5.micro,
  328. h6.micro,
  329. p.micro,
  330. span.micro {
  331. font-size: 0.7em;
  332. line-height: 1.5em;
  333. display: block;
  334. }
  335. /* @end */
  336. /* @end */
  337. /* @group Overrides */
  338. /* @end */