# Resetting an Android phone ## Backup Check list of apps installed. * Core * aMetro * Birtday Adapter * Conversations * CSipSimple * DAVdroid * Document Viewer * K-9 Mail * Open Camera * OpenKeyChain * OpenTasks * OsmAnd~ * QKSMS * Smarter Wi-Fi Manager * SMS Backup+ * Transportr * Suggestions * A Photo Manager * AntennaPod * Battery Live * Bodhi Timer * Calendar Widget * CMlog * ConnectBot * Contact Merger * Currency Converter (or Currency) * Diary * Diaspora * Did I? (or Loop Habit Tracker or Tickmate) * Drinks * DroidWeight * DuckDuckGo * Duck Duck Go * Dumbphone Assistant * Easy xkcd * Episodes * Fira Font * Ghost Commander (w/ SFTP plugin) * Giggity * Hacker's Keyboard * HydroMemo * ICSdroid * JumpGo (or mBrowser) * Kiwix * List My Apps * Mahjongg Builder * Maniana * MPDroid * MuPDF (replacing Document Viewer) * MyHackerspace * Notepad * nusic * Offline Calendar * Open Flood * OrFox (from Guardian, broken on Replicant) * Password Store * Periodical * Plumble * Pomodoro * Port Authority * Privacy Browser * Ruler * Send to SD card * Share to Clipboard * Sieben * Simple C25K * Simple IRC * Simply Do * SkyTube * SpaRSS * Sugarizer * Survival Manual * Tap 'n' Turn * Terminal Emulator * Timesheet * TwelF * Tiny Travel Tracker * Track Work Time * VLC * Wifi Analyzer * Wikipedia * Experimental * A Photo Manager (dev) * A Time Tracker * Acastus * AdAway (3.1.2 has broken access rights on CM13) * AIMSICD * Ameixa CM * AndroidRun * Android CUPS Print * AnySoftKeyboard: Danish (replacing Hacker's Keyboard) * AnySoftKeyboard: SSH (replacing Hacker's Keyboard) * BARIA * Beacon Locator * Budget Watch * Caffeine Tile * Calendar Import-Export * Commons * Content Provider Helper * dandelion* * DictionaryForMIDs * DNS66 * Enhancement (replacing Twelf) * Equate * Fancy Places * FasterGPS * getChromium * ImapNotes2 * KDE Connect * Linphone (replacing CSipSimple) * LocalGsmNlpBackend * LocalWifiNlpBackend * LocationPrivacy * Lumicall (replacing CSipSimple) * MaterialFBook * MaterialOS (replacing Twelf) * Mercury-SSH * MinCal Widget * Mozilla Stumbler * MozillaNlpBackend * NextGIS Mobile (replacing OsmAnd~) * NFC Reader * NominatimNlpBackend * NTPSync * Odyssey * Onze (replacing Twelf) * Open Food * Open Link with (replacing Send to SD card and Share to Clipboard) * OpenBmapNlpBackend * Paper FOSS Theme (replacing Greyscale) * PhotoBackup * PocketMaps (replacing OsmAnd~) * RadioBeacon * Ring (replacing CSipSimple) * Riot (replacing Conversations) * SatStat (need manual access rights on CM13) * SimpleRT * Sipdroid (replacing CSipSimple) * SmartNavi (replacing OsmAnd~) * Snapcast * Stringlate * SVG redirect * Syncopoli * SyncOrg * Syncthing * tagdrop * ug UnifiedNlp (no GAPPS) * VX ConnectBot * Weather * Wi-Fi Privacy Police * ZANaviNavi (replacing OsmAnd~) * µg UnifiedNlp (no GAPPS) Check that all precious data are being backed up. * Contacts * → [Prefs (bottom left)] → Contacts to show → Local * Copy manually any contacts to DavDroid account (or maybe export and import into DacDroid account) Check that all backup routines are up-to-date. * SMS Backup+ * → Backup * DavDroid * → Settings → Accounts → DavDroid → [Prefs (bottom left)] → Sync Now * Storage NB! Anything else will be lost, including app setup. ## System ## Apps ## Restore