# Collaboration journey through India

During December 2015 and January 2016 we are staying in India,
visiting Linux friends.  
Our friend [Maja][] will attend 2nd half of the trip.

We are both involved in Free Software,
with a special interest in [design][] and [custom][blends] systems.

We prefer round-table discussions over giving talks.
Do your work place use Debian-based servers,
or have you privately tuned your laptop/desktop,
and can imagine such customizations being relevant for others too?
We would love to learn about it,
as our interest is in exploring ways to generalize compositions of Debian.

We like the pace of train rides,
and like it for environmental reasons too.

We can afford staying at hotels,
but much prefer visiting our friends privately.
We bring sleeping bags
and would like to contribute to the household during our stay.

Plans currently look like this:

* **Dec 2 06:35**
  [Arrival][] at terminal 3 of New Delhi [airport][][♦][airport OSM].
* **Dec 2**
  Metro+train+[auto][] ride via [New Delhi][][♦][New Delhi OSM] to [Manesar][][♦][Manesar OSM].
    * Collaborate with [Hamara Linux][] developers.
    * Stay at Hyatt Regency[♦][Hyatt Regency OSM].
* **Dec 10**
  Train+bus ride to [Kathmandu][][♦][Kathmandu OSM].
    * Visit [Chandan][] and other friends.
    * **Dec 13**
      Meeting with Ankur of [Expresiv][]
      about [DebianDesign][design] and more.
    * **Dec 14**
      Round-table discussion with students of [HCOE][]
      about [blends][],
      organized by [HCOE Developers Circle][].
    * **Dec 14**
      Meeting with [Expresiv][] designers
      about [DebianDesign][design] and more.
    * **Dec 15**
      Round-table discussion with students of [NCIT][]
      about [blends][],
      organized by [NOSK][] and [FOSS Nepal Community][].
    * **Dec 16 12:00**
      Discussion with [Karkhana][] and [RAN][]
      at iHUB[♦][iHUB OSM]
      about Open Hardware
      and use of Debian in primary school deployments.
    * Visit to [Monkey Temple][][♦][Monkey Temple OSM].
* **Dec 17**
  Bus ride to [Pokhara][][♦][Pokhara OSM].
    * Stay at [Hotel Snow Leopard][][♦][Hotel Snow Leopard OSM].
* **Dec 19 - Dec 22**
  Bus+train ride to [Hyderabad][][♦][Hyderabad OSM].
    * Visit [Medhamsh][] and other friends.
    * **Dec 23** Meeting with [Swecha][][♦][Swecha OSM] developers.
    * **Dec 23** Visit [ThoughtWorks][][♦][ThoughtWorks OSM] developers.
    * **Dec 24** Debian package session with [ThoughtWorks][][♦][ThoughtWorks OSM] developers.
    * **Dec 28 - Dec 29** Participate in Swecha demo.
    * **Dec 29** Visit ThoughtWorks developers.
    * **Dec 30** Meeting on net neutrality with students at IIIT.
    * **Dec 31** Visit ThoughtWorks developers.
    * **Jan 2** Swecha workshop on desktop theming and contributing to Debian.
    * **Jan 2** Meeting with Swecha and academics.
    * **Jan 3** Debian package session with ThoughtWorks developers.
* **Jan 4 06:00** Car ride to Khammam.
    * **Jan 4 10:00 - 12:00** Visit with Swecha to Vijaya, Khammam.
    * **Jan 4 14:00 - 16:00** Visit with Swecha to Kits, Khammam.
    * *Jan 4 18:00* Visit friends, Khammam.
    * Stay at Vishnu Residency[♦][Vishnu Residency OSM].
* **Jan 5 07:00** Car ride to Warangal.
    * **Jan 5 10:00 - 12:00** Visit with Swecha to Vagdevi, Warangal.
* **Jan 5 13:00** Car ride to Karimnagar.
    * **Jan 5 14:00 - 16:00** Visit with Swecha to Jits, Karimnagar.
    * **Jan 5 17:00 - 19:00** Hang out with Swecha core volunteers, Swecha resource center, Karimnagar.
    * **Jan 6 10:00 - 12:00** Visit with Swecha to Vits, Karimnagar.
* **Jan 6 13:00** Car ride to Hyderabad.
* **Jan 6 19:05 - Jan 7 06:05**
  Train ride to [Bengaluru][][♦][Bengaluru OSM].
    * **Jan 7**
      [Maja][] arrives to [Kempegowda International Airport][][♦][Kempegowda International Airport OSM].
    * Stay (first night) at Adora Hotel[♦][Adora Hotel OSM].
    * **Jan 9 16:00** Visit [Vasudev][] and other friends
      at [Ajantha Hotel][][♦][Ajantha Hotel OSM].
* **Jan 12 21:00 - Jan 13 13:00**
  Train ride to [Kerala][][♦][Kerala OSM].
    * Visit Cherry and other hackers at [KEK][][♦][KEK OSM]
    * **Jan 18** Meeting with Arun and [ICFOSS][]
* **Jan 19 14:50 - Jan 20 07:30**
  Train ride to [Chennai][][♦][Chennai OSM].
    * **Jan 21 10:00 - 17:00** Hallway discussions at [CDAC][]
      with BOSS developers
    * *Jan 21 12:00* Meeting at [NIC][]
      with Gopinath S from [NKN][] team of NIC
    * **Jan 22 10:00 - 16:00** Meetings at CDAC
      with BOSS teams: core OS, Cloud, Big data
    * **Jan 23 10:00 - 13:00** Meeting at CDAC
      with executive director Prakash
    * **Jan 23 15:00 - 18:00** Meeting with [ILUG-C][]
    * **Jan 23** Dinner with [Shakthi][]
    * **Jan 24 12:00 - 18:00** Discussions with [FSFTN][]
    * *Jan 25 11:00* Meeting at CDAC
      with Gopinath S from [NKN][] team of NIC
* **Jan 25 22:50 - Jan 26 23:25**
  Train ride to [Pune][][♦][Pune OSM].
* **Jan 27**
  Train ride to [Mumbai][][♦][Mumbai OSM].
    * **Jan 27** Visit [Kumar][].
    * Visit Amey and other friends.
    * *Jan 30 9:00 - 19:00* [MiniDebconf Mumbai][][♦][MiniDebconf Mumbai OSM]
    * *Jan 31 9:00 - 19:00* MiniDebconf Mumbai
* **Feb 1 04:00**
  [Departure][] via terminal 2 of [Mumbai airport][][♦][Mumbai airport OSM].

We do not seek jobs in India -
but are not on holiday either:
Our work with customers in Denmark continue as usual,
via internet.

[Maja]: <http://www.kunstpåorø.dk/html/Gustafson.htm>
  "Maja Søe Gustafson"

[design]: <https://wiki.debian.org/Design/>
  "Debian Design - improving Debian for designers"

[blends]: <https://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends#Terminology>
  "Debian Pure Blends - subset of Debian configured for a target group"

[Arrival]: <http://data.jones.dk/2015/india/#arrival-delhi>
  "Facts on arrival to Delhi in Linked Open Data file"

[airport]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indira_Gandhi_International_Airport>
  "New Delhi Airport on Wikipedia"

[airport OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/181594936>
  "New Delhi Airport on OpenStreetmap"

[New Delhi]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Delhi>
  "New Delhi on Wikipedia"

[New Delhi OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2763541>
  "New Delhi on OpenStreetMap"

[auto]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto_rickshaw>
  "Auto rickshaw"

[Manesar OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3631133>
  "Manesar on OpenStreetMap"

[Hamara Linux]: <https://www.hamaralinux.org/>

[Manesar]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3632902>
  "Manesar on Wikipedia"

[Hyatt Regency OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/269852581>
  "Hotel Hyatt Regency on OpenStreetMap"

[Expresiv]: <http://expresivstudios.com/>
  "Expresiv Studios Pvt. Ltd."

[HCOE]: <http://hcoe.edu.np/>
  "Himalayan College of Engineering"

[NCIT]: <http://ncit.edu.np/>
  "Nepal College of Information Technology"

[HCOE Developers Circle]: <http://hcoedevcircle.blogspot.com/>
  "HCOE Developers Circle"

[NOSK]: <http://nosk.org.np/>
  "Nepal Open Source Klub"

[FOSS Nepal Community]: <http://wiki.fossnepal.org/>
  "FOSS Nepal Community"

[Karkhana]: <http://www.karkhana.asia/>
  "Education comapny and makerspace Karkhana"

[RAN]: <http://ran.org.np/>
  "Robot Association of Nepal"

[iHUB OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3632311785>
  "Innovation Hub Kathmandu on OpenStreetMap"

[Monkey Temple]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swayambhunath>
  "Swayambhunath (a.k.a. Monkey Temple) on Wikipedia"

[Monkey Temple OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/256548640>
  "Swayambhunath (a.k.a. Monkey Temple) on OpenStreetMap"

[Pokhara]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokhara>
  "Pokhara on Wikipedia"

[Pokhara OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/342081553>
  "Pokhara on OpenStreetMap"

[Hotel Snow Leopard]: <http://hotelsnowleopard.webs.com/>
  "Hotel Snow Leopard"

[Hotel Snow Leopard OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/28.20800/83.96060>
  "Hotel Snow Leopard on OpenStreetMap"

[Goa]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goa>
  "Goa on Wikipedia"

[Goa OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1997192>
  "Goa on OpenStreetMap"

[Praveen]: <http://www.j4v4m4n.in/>
  "Pirate Praveen"

[Pune]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pune>
  "Pune on Wikipedia"

[Pune OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/16174445>
  "Pune on OpenStreetMap"

[Mumbai]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mumbai>
  "Mumbai (a.k.a. Bombay) on Wikipedia"

[Mumbai OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/16173235>
  "Mumbai (a.k.a. Bombay) on OpenStreetMap"

[MiniDebconf Mumbai]: <http://in2016.mini.debconf.org/>
  "MiniDebconf Mumbai"

[MiniDebconf Mumbai OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/353751097>
  "MiniDebconf Mumbai on OpenStreetMap"

[Medhamsh]: <https://twitter.com/iammedhu>
  "Medhamsh Vuthpala"

[Swecha]: <http://swecha.org/content/swecha-project>
  "Swecha - GNU/Linux system localized for Telugu"

[Swecha OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/143200640>
  "Swecha on OpenStreetMap"

[ThoughtWorks]: <https://www.thoughtworks.com/locations/hyderabad>
  "ThoughtWorks Hyderabad"

[ThoughtWorks OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/17.44068/78.36148>
  "ThoughtWorks Hyderabard on OpenStreetMap"

[Hyderabad]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyderabad>
  "Hyderabad on Wikipedia"

[Hyderabad OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/245640543>
  "Hyderabad on OpenStreetMap"

[Vishnu Residency OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/765039376>
  "Hotel Vishnu Residency on OpenStreetMap"

[Vasudev]: <https://copyninja.info/>
  "Vasudev Kamath, Debian developer"

[Bengaluru]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangalore>
  "Bengaluru (a.k.a. Bangalore) on Wikipedia"

[Bengaluru OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3401391999>
  "Bengaluru (a.k.a. Bangalore) on OpenStreetMap"

[Kempegowda International Airport]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kempegowda_International_Airport>
  "Kempegowda International Airport on Wikipedia"

[Kempegowda International Airport OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/252746837>
  "Kempegowda International Airport on OpenStreetmap"

[Adora Hotel OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/12.97778/77.57528>
  "Adora Hotel on OpenStreetMap"

[Ajantha Hotel]: <http://www.hotelajantha.com/>
  "Ajantha Hotel"

[Ajantha Hotel OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/12.971357/77.6148295>
  "Ajantha Hotel on OpenStreetMap"

[Kerala]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerala>
  "Kerala on Wikipedia"

[Kerala OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2018151>
  "Kerala on OpenStreetMap"

[KEK]: <http://kek.org.in/>
  "കോവളം എഴുത്തു കളരി (Kovalam Ezhuthu Kalari)"

[KEK OSM]: <http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/384136046>
  "കോവളം എഴുത്തു കളരി (Kovalam Ezhuthu Kalari) on OpenStreetMap"

[ICFOSS]: <http://icfoss.in/>
  "International Centre for Free and Open Source Software"

[Kumar]: <https://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~akumar/>
  "Kumar Appaiah"

[CDAC]: <http://cdac.in/>
  "Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)"

[NIC]: <http://www.nic.in/>
  "National Informatics Centre (NIC)"

[NKN]: <http://www.nkn.in/>
  "National Knowledge Network (NKN)"

[ILUG-C]: <http://ilugc.in/>

[Shakthi]: <http://www.shakthimaan.com>
  "Shakthi Kannan"

[FSFTN]: <http://fsftn.org/>
  "Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu (FSFTN)"

[Chennai]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chennai>
  "Chennai (formerly Madras) on Wikipedia"

[Chennai OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3233393892>
  "Chennai (formerly Madras) on OpenStreetMap"

[Chandan]: <https://twitter.com/chandangoopta>
  "Chandan Gupta (a.k.a. Chandan Goopta)"

[Kathmandu]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathmandu>
  "Kathmandu on Wikipedia"

[Kathmandu OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4583125>
  "Kathmandu on OpenStreetMap"

[Mumbai airport]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chhatrapati_Shivaji_International_Airport>
  "Mumbai Airport on Wikipedia"

[Mumbai airport OSM]: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/26609008>
  "Mumbai Airport on OpenStreetmap"

[Departure]: <http://data.jones.dk/2015/india/#departure-mumbai>
  "Facts on departure from Mumbai in Linked Open Data file"