- import logging, math
- from gi.repository import Gst, Gtk
- class AudioLevelDisplay(object):
- """ Displays a Level-Meter of another VideoDisplay into a GtkWidget """
- def __init__(self, drawing_area):
- self.log = logging.getLogger('AudioLevelDisplay[%s]' % drawing_area.get_name())
- self.drawing_area = drawing_area
- self.levelrms = []
- self.levelpeak = []
- self.leveldecay = []
- self.drawing_area.connect('draw', self.on_draw)
- def on_draw(self, widget, cr):
- channels = len(self.levelrms)
- if channels == 0:
- return
- width = self.drawing_area.get_allocated_width()
- height = self.drawing_area.get_allocated_height()
- margin = 2 # px
- channel_width = int((width - (margin * (channels - 1))) / channels)
- # self.log.debug(
- # 'width: %upx filled with %u channels of each %upx '
- # 'and %ux margin of %upx',
- # width, channels, channel_width, channels-1, margin)
- rms_px = [ self.normalize_db(db) * height for db in self.levelrms ]
- peak_px = [ self.normalize_db(db) * height for db in self.levelpeak ]
- decay_px = [ self.normalize_db(db) * height for db in self.leveldecay ]
- cr.set_line_width(channel_width)
- for y in range(0, height):
- pct = y / height
- for channel in range(0, channels):
- x = (channel * channel_width) + (channel * margin)
- bright = 0.25
- if y < rms_px[channel]:
- bright = 1
- # elif abs(y - peak_px[channel]) < 3:
- # bright = 1.5
- elif y < decay_px[channel]:
- bright = 0.75
- cr.set_source_rgb(pct * bright, (1-pct) * bright, 0 * bright)
- cr.move_to(x, height-y)
- cr.line_to(x + channel_width, height-y)
- cr.stroke()
- return True
- def normalize_db(self, db):
- # -60db -> 1.00 (very quiet)
- # -30db -> 0.75
- # -15db -> 0.50
- # -5db -> 0.25
- # -0db -> 0.00 (very loud)
- logscale = math.log10(-0.15* (db) +1)
- normalized = 1 - self.clamp(logscale, 0, 1)
- return normalized
- def clamp(self, value, min_value, max_value):
- return max(min(value, max_value), min_value)
- def level_callback(self, rms, peak, decay):
- self.levelrms = rms
- self.levelpeak = peak
- self.leveldecay = decay
- self.drawing_area.queue_draw()