- #!/usr/bin/python3
- import math, logging
- from gi.repository import GLib, Gst
- from lib.helper import iteratorHelper
- from lib.config import Config
- class QuadMix(Gst.Bin):
- log = logging.getLogger('QuadMix')
- sources = []
- previewbins = []
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- caps = Gst.Caps.from_string(Config.get('mix', 'monitorcaps'))
- self.log.debug('parsing monitorcaps from config: %s', caps.to_string())
- struct = caps.get_structure(0)
- self.monitorSize = [struct.get_int('width')[1], struct.get_int('height')[1]]
- self.bgsrc = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videotestsrc', 'bgsrc')
- self.mixer = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videomixer', 'mixer')
- self.scale = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videoscale', 'scale')
- self.add(self.bgsrc)
- self.add(self.mixer)
- self.add(self.scale)
- self.bgsrc.link_filtered(self.mixer, caps)
- self.mixer.link_filtered(self.scale, caps)
- self.bgsrc.set_property('pattern', 'solid-color')
- self.bgsrc.set_property('foreground-color', 0x808080)
- self.add_pad(
- Gst.GhostPad.new('src', self.scale.get_static_pad('src'))
- )
- # I don't know how to create a on-request ghost-pad
- def add_source(self, src):
- self.log.info('adding source %s', src.get_name())
- self.sources.append(src)
- def finalize(self):
- self.log.debug('all sources added, calculating layout')
- # number of placed sources
- count = len(self.sources)
- # coordinate of the cell where we place the next video
- place = [0, 0]
- # number of cells in the quadmix-monitor
- grid = [0, 0]
- grid[0] = math.ceil(math.sqrt(count))
- grid[1] = math.ceil(count / grid[0])
- # size of each cell in the quadmix-monitor
- cellSize = (
- self.monitorSize[0] / grid[0],
- self.monitorSize[1] / grid[1]
- )
- # report calculation results
- self.log.info('showing %u videosources in a %u×%u grid in a %u×%u px window, which gives cells of %u×%u px per videosource',
- count, grid[0], grid[1], self.monitorSize[0], self.monitorSize[1], cellSize[0], cellSize[1])
- # iterate over all video-sources
- for idx, videosource in enumerate(self.sources):
- # create a sub-preview-bin
- previewbin = QuadMixPreview()
- self.add(previewbin)
- self.previewbins.append(previewbin)
- previewsink = previewbin.get_static_pad('sink')
- previewsrc = previewbin.get_static_pad('src')
- srcpad = videosource.get_compatible_pad(previewsink, None)
- #srcpad.link(previewsink) # linking ghost pads
- print(videosource.link(previewbin))
- sinkpad = self.mixer.get_request_pad('sink_%u')
- #previewsrc.link(sinkpad) # linking ghost pads
- print(previewbin.link(self.mixer))
- # query the video-source caps and extract its size
- caps = srcpad.query_caps(None)
- capsstruct = caps.get_structure(0)
- srcSize = (
- capsstruct.get_int('width')[1],
- capsstruct.get_int('height')[1],
- )
- # calculate the ideal scale factor and scale the sizes
- f = max(srcSize[0] / cellSize[0], srcSize[1] / cellSize[1])
- scaleSize = (
- srcSize[0] / f,
- srcSize[1] / f,
- )
- # calculate the top/left coordinate
- coord = (
- place[0] * cellSize[0] + (cellSize[0] - scaleSize[0]) / 2,
- place[1] * cellSize[1] + (cellSize[1] - scaleSize[1]) / 2,
- )
- self.log.info('placing videosource %u of size %u×%u scaled by %u to %u×%u in a cell %u×%u px cell (%u/%u) at position (%u/%u)',
- idx, srcSize[0], srcSize[1], f, scaleSize[0], scaleSize[1], cellSize[0], cellSize[1], place[0], place[1], coord[0], coord[1])
- # request a pad from the quadmixer and configure x/y position
- sinkpad.set_property('xpos', round(coord[0]))
- sinkpad.set_property('ypos', round(coord[1]))
- previewbin.set_size(scaleSize)
- previewbin.set_idx(idx)
- # increment grid position
- place[0] += 1
- if place[0] >= grid[0]:
- place[1] += 1
- place[0] = 0
- def set_active(self, target):
- for idx, previewbin in enumerate(self.previewbins):
- previewbin.set_active(target == idx)
- class QuadMixPreview(Gst.Bin):
- log = logging.getLogger('QuadMixPreview')
- strokeWidth = 5
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.scale = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videoscale', 'scale')
- self.caps = Gst.ElementFactory.make('capsfilter', 'caps')
- self.cropbox = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videobox', 'cropbox')
- self.strokebox = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videobox', 'strokebox')
- self.textoverlay = Gst.ElementFactory.make('textoverlay', 'textoverlay')
- self.add(self.scale)
- self.add(self.caps)
- self.add(self.cropbox)
- self.add(self.strokebox)
- self.add(self.textoverlay)
- self.strokebox.set_property('fill', 'green')
- self.textoverlay.set_property('color', 0xFFFFFFFF)
- self.textoverlay.set_property('halignment', 'left')
- self.textoverlay.set_property('valignment', 'top')
- self.textoverlay.set_property('xpad', 10)
- self.textoverlay.set_property('ypad', 5)
- self.textoverlay.set_property('font-desc', 'sans 35')
- self.scale.link(self.caps)
- self.caps.link(self.cropbox)
- self.cropbox.link(self.strokebox)
- self.strokebox.link(self.textoverlay)
- self.set_active(False)
- # Add Ghost Pads
- self.add_pad(
- Gst.GhostPad.new('sink', self.scale.get_static_pad('sink'))
- )
- self.add_pad(
- Gst.GhostPad.new('src', self.textoverlay.get_static_pad('src'))
- )
- def set_size(self, scaleSize):
- caps = Gst.Caps.new_empty_simple('video/x-raw')
- caps.set_value('width', round(scaleSize[0]))
- caps.set_value('height', round(scaleSize[1]))
- self.caps.set_property('caps', caps)
- def set_idx(self, idx):
- self.textoverlay.set_property('text', str(idx))
- def set_active(self, active):
- self.log.info("switching active-state to %u", active)
- for side in ('top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom'):
- self.cropbox.set_property(side, self.strokeWidth if active else 0)
- self.strokebox.set_property(side, -self.strokeWidth if active else 0)
- def set_color(self, color):
- self.strokebox.set_property('fill', color)