- import socket, threading, queue, logging
- from gi.repository import GObject
- def controlServerEntrypoint(f):
- # mark the method as something that requires view's class
- f.is_control_server_entrypoint = True
- return f
- class ControlServer():
- log = logging.getLogger('ControlServer')
- def __init__(self, videomix):
- '''Initialize server and start listening.'''
- self.videomix = videomix
- sock = socket.socket()
- sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
- sock.bind(('', 23000))
- sock.listen(1)
- # register socket for callback inside the GTK-Mainloop
- GObject.io_add_watch(sock, GObject.IO_IN, self.listener)
- def listener(self, sock, *args):
- '''Asynchronous connection listener. Starts a handler for each connection.'''
- conn, addr = sock.accept()
- self.log.info("Connection from %s", addr)
- # register data-received handler inside the GTK-Mainloop
- GObject.io_add_watch(conn, GObject.IO_IN, self.handler)
- return True
- def handler(self, conn, *args):
- '''Asynchronous connection handler. Processes each line from the socket.'''
- line = conn.recv(4096)
- if not len(line):
- self.log.debug("Connection closed.")
- return False
- r = self.processLine(line.decode('utf-8'))
- if isinstance(r, str):
- conn.send((r+'\n').encode('utf-8'))
- return False
- conn.send('OK\n'.encode('utf-8'))
- return True
- def processLine(self, line):
- command, argstring = (line.strip()+' ').split(' ', 1)
- args = argstring.strip().split()
- self.log.info(command % args)
- if not hasattr(self.videomix, command):
- return 'unknown command {}'.format(command)
- f = getattr(self.videomix, command)
- if not hasattr(f, 'is_control_server_entrypoint'):
- return 'method {} not callable from controlserver'.format(command)
- try:
- return f(*args)
- except Exception as e:
- return str(e)