#!/usr/bin/python3 import logging from gi.repository import Gst from enum import Enum from lib.config import Config class CompositeModes(Enum): fullscreen = 0 side_by_side_equal = 1 side_by_side_preview = 2 picture_in_picture = 3 class VideoMix(object): log = logging.getLogger('VideoMix') def __init__(self): self.caps = Config.get('mix', 'videocaps') self.names = Config.getlist('mix', 'sources') self.log.info('Configuring Mixer for %u Sources', len(self.names)) pipeline = """ videomixer name=mix ! {caps} ! queue ! tee name=tee intervideosrc channel=mixer_background ! {caps} ! mix. tee. ! queue ! intervideosink channel=video_mix_out """.format( caps=self.caps ) if Config.getboolean('previews', 'enabled'): pipeline += """ tee. ! queue ! intervideosink channel=video_mix_preview """ for idx, name in enumerate(self.names): pipeline += """ intervideosrc channel=video_{name}_mixer ! {caps} ! videoscale ! capsfilter name=caps_{idx} ! mix. """.format( name=name, caps=self.caps, idx=idx ) self.log.debug('Creating Mixing-Pipeline:\n%s', pipeline) self.mixingPipeline = Gst.parse_launch(pipeline) self.log.debug('Binding Error & End-of-Stream-Signal on Mixing-Pipeline') self.mixingPipeline.bus.add_signal_watch() self.mixingPipeline.bus.connect("message::eos", self.on_eos) self.mixingPipeline.bus.connect("message::error", self.on_error) self.log.debug('Initializing Mixer-State') self.compositeMode = CompositeModes.fullscreen self.sourceA = 0 self.sourceB = 1 self.updateMixerState() bgMixerpad = self.mixingPipeline.get_by_name('mix').get_static_pad('sink_0') bgMixerpad.set_property('zorder', 0) self.log.debug('Launching Mixing-Pipeline') self.mixingPipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) def getInputVideoSize(self): caps = Gst.Caps.from_string(self.caps) struct = caps.get_structure(0) _, width = struct.get_int('width') _, height = struct.get_int('height') return width, height def updateMixerState(self): if self.compositeMode == CompositeModes.fullscreen: self.updateMixerStateFullscreen() elif self.compositeMode == CompositeModes.side_by_side_equal: self.updateMixerStateSideBySideEqual() elif self.compositeMode == CompositeModes.side_by_side_preview: self.updateMixerStateSideBySidePreview() elif self.compositeMode == CompositeModes.picture_in_picture: self.updateMixerStatePictureInPicture() def getMixerpadAndCapsfilter(self, idx): # mixerpad 0 = background mixerpad = self.mixingPipeline.get_by_name('mix').get_static_pad('sink_%u' % (idx+1)) capsfilter = self.mixingPipeline.get_by_name('caps_%u' % idx) return mixerpad, capsfilter def updateMixerStateFullscreen(self): self.log.info('Updating Mixer-State for Fullscreen-Composition') noScaleCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw') for idx, name in enumerate(self.names): alpha = int(idx == self.sourceA) mixerpad, capsfilter = self.getMixerpadAndCapsfilter(idx) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=0 and alpha=%0.2f, zorder=%u', idx, alpha, 1) mixerpad.set_property('alpha', alpha) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', 0) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', 0) mixerpad.set_property('zorder', 1) self.log.debug('Resetting Scaler %u to non-scaling', idx) capsfilter.set_property('caps', noScaleCaps) def updateMixerStateSideBySideEqual(self): self.log.info('Updating Mixer-State for Side-by-side-Equal-Composition') width, height = self.getInputVideoSize() self.log.debug('Video-Size parsed as %ux%u', width, height) try: gutter = Config.getint('side-by-side-equal', 'gutter') self.log.debug('Gutter configured to %u', gutter) except: gutter = int(width / 100) self.log.debug('Gutter calculated to %u', gutter) targetWidth = int((width - gutter) / 2) targetHeight = int(targetWidth / width * height) y = (height - targetHeight) / 2 xa = 0 xb = width - targetWidth scaleCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw,width=%u,height=%u' % (targetWidth, targetHeight)) noScaleCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw') for idx, name in enumerate(self.names): mixerpad, capsfilter = self.getMixerpadAndCapsfilter(idx) if idx == self.sourceA: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 1) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', xa) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', y) mixerpad.set_property('zorder', 1) capsfilter.set_property('caps', scaleCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u and alpha=%0.2f, zorder=%u', idx, xa, y, 1, 1) self.log.debug('Setting Scaler %u to %u/%u', idx, targetWidth, targetHeight) elif idx == self.sourceB: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 1) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', xb) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', y) mixerpad.set_property('zorder', 1) capsfilter.set_property('caps', scaleCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u and alpha=%0.2f, zorder=%u', idx, xb, y, 1, 1) self.log.debug('Setting Scaler %u to %u/%u', idx, targetWidth, targetHeight) else: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 0) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', 0) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', 0) capsfilter.set_property('caps', noScaleCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u and alpha=%0.2f', idx, 0, 0, 0) self.log.debug('Resetting Scaler %u to non-scaling', idx) def updateMixerStateSideBySidePreview(self): self.log.info('Updating Mixer-State for Side-by-side-Preview-Composition') width, height = self.getInputVideoSize() self.log.debug('Video-Size parsed as %ux%u', width, height) try: asize = [int(i) for i in Config.get('side-by-side-preview', 'asize').split('x', 1)] self.log.debug('A-Video-Size configured to %ux%u', asize[0], asize[1]) except: asize = [ int(width / 1.25), # 80% int(height / 1.25) # 80% ] self.log.debug('A-Video-Size calculated to %ux%u', asize[0], asize[1]) try: apos = [int(i) for i in Config.get('side-by-side-preview', 'apos').split('/', 1)] self.log.debug('B-Video-Position configured to %u/%u', apos[0], apos[1]) except: apos = [ int(width / 100), # 1% int(width / 100) # 1% ] self.log.debug('B-Video-Position calculated to %u/%u', apos[0], apos[1]) try: bsize = [int(i) for i in Config.get('side-by-side-preview', 'bsize').split('x', 1)] self.log.debug('B-Video-Size configured to %ux%u', bsize[0], bsize[1]) except: bsize = [ int(width / 4), # 25% int(height / 4) # 25% ] self.log.debug('B-Video-Size calculated to %ux%u', bsize[0], bsize[1]) try: bpos = [int(i) for i in Config.get('side-by-side-preview', 'bpos').split('/', 1)] self.log.debug('B-Video-Position configured to %u/%u', bpos[0], bpos[1]) except: bpos = [ width - int(width / 100) - bsize[0], height - int(width / 100) - bsize[1] # 1% ] self.log.debug('B-Video-Position calculated to %u/%u', bpos[0], bpos[1]) aCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw,width=%u,height=%u' % tuple(asize)) bCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw,width=%u,height=%u' % tuple(bsize)) noScaleCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw') for idx, name in enumerate(self.names): mixerpad, capsfilter = self.getMixerpadAndCapsfilter(idx) if idx == self.sourceA: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 1) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', apos[1]) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', apos[1]) mixerpad.set_property('zorder', 1) capsfilter.set_property('caps', aCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u and alpha=%0.2f, zorder=%u', idx, apos[0], apos[1], 1, 1) self.log.debug('Setting Scaler %u to %u/%u', idx, asize[0], asize[1]) elif idx == self.sourceB: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 1) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', bpos[0]) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', bpos[1]) mixerpad.set_property('zorder', 2) capsfilter.set_property('caps', bCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u, alpha=%0.2f, zorder=%u', idx, bpos[0], bpos[1], 1, 2) self.log.debug('Setting Scaler %u to %u/%u', idx, bsize[0], bsize[1]) else: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 0) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', 0) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', 0) capsfilter.set_property('caps', noScaleCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u and alpha=%0.2f', idx, 0, 0, 0) self.log.debug('Resetting Scaler %u to non-scaling', idx) def updateMixerStatePictureInPicture(self): self.log.info('Updating Mixer-State for Picture-in-Picture-Composition') width, height = self.getInputVideoSize() self.log.debug('Video-Size parsed as %ux%u', width, height) try: pipsize = [int(i) for i in Config.get('picture-in-picture', 'pipsize').split('x', 1)] self.log.debug('PIP-Size configured to %ux%u', pipsize[0], pipsize[1]) except: pipsize = [ int(width / 4), # 25% int(height / 4) # 25% ] self.log.debug('PIP-Size calculated to %ux%u', pipsize[0], pipsize[1]) try: pippos = [int(i) for i in Config.get('picture-in-picture', 'pippos').split('/', 1)] self.log.debug('PIP-Position configured to %u/%u', pippos[0], pippos[1]) except: pippos = [ width - pipsize[0] - int(width / 100), # 1% height - pipsize[1] -int(width / 100) # 1% ] self.log.debug('PIP-Position calculated to %u/%u', pippos[0], pippos[1]) scaleCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw,width=%u,height=%u' % tuple(pipsize)) noScaleCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw') for idx, name in enumerate(self.names): mixerpad, capsfilter = self.getMixerpadAndCapsfilter(idx) if idx == self.sourceA: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 1) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', 0) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', 0) mixerpad.set_property('zorder', 1) capsfilter.set_property('caps', noScaleCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u and alpha=%0.2f, zorder=%u', idx, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.log.debug('Resetting Scaler %u to non-scaling', idx) elif idx == self.sourceB: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 1) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', pippos[0]) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', pippos[1]) mixerpad.set_property('zorder', 2) capsfilter.set_property('caps', scaleCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u, alpha=%0.2f, zorder=%u', idx, pippos[0], pippos[1], 1, 2) self.log.debug('Setting Scaler %u to %u/%u', idx, pipsize[0], pipsize[1]) else: mixerpad.set_property('alpha', 0) mixerpad.set_property('xpos', 0) mixerpad.set_property('ypos', 0) capsfilter.set_property('caps', noScaleCaps) self.log.debug('Setting Mixerpad %u to x/y=%u/%u and alpha=%0.2f', idx, 0, 0, 0) self.log.debug('Resetting Scaler %u to non-scaling', idx) def setVideoSourceA(self, source): # swap if required if self.sourceB == source: self.sourceB = self.sourceA self.sourceA = source self.updateMixerState() def setVideoSourceB(self, source): # swap if required if self.sourceA == source: self.sourceA = self.sourceB self.sourceB = source self.updateMixerState() def setCompositeMode(self, mode): self.compositeMode = mode self.updateMixerState() def on_eos(self, bus, message): self.log.debug('Received End-of-Stream-Signal on Mixing-Pipeline') def on_error(self, bus, message): self.log.debug('Received Error-Signal on Mixing-Pipeline') (error, debug) = message.parse_error() self.log.debug('Error-Details: #%u: %s', error.code, debug)