path: root/voctocore/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'voctocore/lib')
3 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/voctocore/lib/__init__.py b/voctocore/lib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voctocore/lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/voctocore/lib/controlserver.py b/voctocore/lib/controlserver.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e11d6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voctocore/lib/controlserver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import socket, threading, queue
+from gi.repository import GObject
+def controlServerEntrypoint(f):
+ # mark the method as something that requires view's class
+ f.is_control_server_entrypoint = True
+ return f
+class ControlServer():
+ def __init__(self, videomix):
+ '''Initialize server and start listening.'''
+ self.videomix = videomix
+ sock = socket.socket()
+ sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ sock.bind(('', 23000))
+ sock.listen(1)
+ # register socket for callback inside the GTK-Mainloop
+ GObject.io_add_watch(sock, GObject.IO_IN, self.listener)
+ def listener(self, sock, *args):
+ '''Asynchronous connection listener. Starts a handler for each connection.'''
+ conn, addr = sock.accept()
+ print("Connection from ", addr)
+ # register data-received handler inside the GTK-Mainloop
+ GObject.io_add_watch(conn, GObject.IO_IN, self.handler)
+ return True
+ def handler(self, conn, *args):
+ '''Asynchronous connection handler. Processes each line from the socket.'''
+ line = conn.recv(4096)
+ if not len(line):
+ print("Connection closed.")
+ return False
+ r = self.processLine(line.decode('utf-8'))
+ if isinstance(r, str):
+ conn.send((r+'\n').encode('utf-8'))
+ return False
+ conn.send('OK\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ return True
+ def processLine(self, line):
+ command, argstring = (line.strip()+' ').split(' ', 1)
+ args = argstring.strip().split()
+ print(command, args)
+ if not hasattr(self.videomix, command):
+ return 'unknown command {}'.format(command)
+ f = getattr(self.videomix, command)
+ if not hasattr(f, 'is_control_server_entrypoint'):
+ return 'method {} not callable from controlserver'.format(command)
+ try:
+ return f(*args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return str(e)
diff --git a/voctocore/lib/videomix.py b/voctocore/lib/videomix.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98582a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voctocore/lib/videomix.py
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+import sys, inspect, math
+from pprint import pprint
+from gi.repository import GLib, Gst
+from lib.controlserver import controlServerEntrypoint
+class Videomix:
+ """mixing, streaming and encoding pipeline constuction and control"""
+ # size of the monitor-streams
+ # should be anamorphic PAL, beacuse we encode it to dv and send it to the mixer-gui
+ monitorSize = (1024, 576)
+ previewbins = []
+ def __init__(self):
+ """initialize video mixing, streaming and encoding pipeline"""
+ # initialize an empty pipeline
+ self.pipeline = Gst.Pipeline()
+ # create audio and video mixer
+ mixerbin = self.createMixer()
+ # collection of video-sources to connect to the quadmix
+ quadmixSources = []
+ # create camera sources
+ for camberabin in self.createDummyCamSources():
+ # link camerasource to audiomixer
+ camberabin.get_by_name('audio_src').link(self.pipeline.get_by_name('liveaudio'))
+ # inject a ×2 distributor and link one end to the live-mixer
+ distributor = self.createDistributor(camberabin.get_by_name('video_src'), camberabin.get_name())
+ distributor.get_by_name('a').link(self.pipeline.get_by_name('livevideo'))
+ # collect the other end to add it later to the quadmix
+ quadmixSources.append(distributor.get_by_name('b'))
+ # TODO: generate pause & slides with another generator here which only
+ # yields if the respective files are present and which only have a video-pad
+ # add all video-sources to the quadmix-monitor-screen
+ self.addVideosToQuadmix(quadmixSources, self.pipeline.get_by_name('quadmix'))
+ # initialize to known defaults
+ # TODO: make configurable
+ self.switchVideo(0)
+ self.switchAudio(0)
+ Gst.debug_bin_to_dot_file(self.pipeline, Gst.DebugGraphDetails.ALL, 'test')
+ self.pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)
+ def createMixer(self):
+ """create audio and video mixer"""
+ # create mixer-pipeline from string
+ mixerbin = Gst.parse_bin_from_description("""
+ videomixer name=livevideo ! autovideosink
+ input-selector name=liveaudio ! autoaudiosink
+ videotestsrc pattern="solid-color" foreground-color=0x808080 ! capsfilter name=filter ! videomixer name=quadmix ! autovideosink
+ """, False)
+ # define caps for the videotestsrc which generates the background-color for the quadmix
+ bgcaps = Gst.Caps.new_empty_simple('video/x-raw')
+ bgcaps.set_value('width', round(self.monitorSize[0]))
+ bgcaps.set_value('height', round(self.monitorSize[1]))
+ mixerbin.get_by_name('filter').set_property('caps', bgcaps)
+ # name the bin, add and return it
+ mixerbin.set_name('mixerbin')
+ self.pipeline.add(mixerbin)
+ return mixerbin
+ def addVideosToQuadmix(self, videosources, quadmix):
+ """add all avaiable videosources to the quadmix"""
+ count = len(videosources)
+ # coordinate of the cell where we place the next video
+ place = [0, 0]
+ # number of cells in the quadmix-monitor
+ grid = [0, 0]
+ grid[0] = math.ceil(math.sqrt(count))
+ grid[1] = math.ceil(count / grid[0])
+ # size of each cell in the quadmix-monitor
+ cellSize = (
+ self.monitorSize[0] / grid[0],
+ self.monitorSize[1] / grid[1]
+ )
+ print("showing {} videosources in a {}×{} grid in a {}×{} px window, which gives cells of {}×{} px per videosource".format(
+ count, grid[0], grid[1], self.monitorSize[0], self.monitorSize[1], cellSize[0], cellSize[1]))
+ # iterate over all video-sources
+ for idx, videosource in enumerate(videosources):
+ # generate a pipeline for this videosource which
+ # - scales the video to the request
+ # - remove n px of the video (n = 5 if the video is highlighted else 0)
+ # - add a colored border of n px of the video (n = 5 if the video is highlighted else 0)
+ # - overlay the index of the video as text in the top left corner
+ # - known & named output
+ previewbin = Gst.parse_bin_from_description("""
+ videoscale name=in !
+ capsfilter name=caps !
+ videobox name=crop top=0 left=0 bottom=0 right=0 !
+ videobox fill=red top=-0 left=-0 bottom=-0 right=-0 name=add !
+ textoverlay color=0xFFFFFFFF halignment=left valignment=top xpad=10 ypad=5 font-desc="sans 35" name=text !
+ identity name=out
+ """, False)
+ # name the bin and add it
+ previewbin.set_name('previewbin-{}'.format(idx))
+ self.pipeline.add(previewbin)
+ self.previewbins.append(previewbin)
+ # set the overlay-text
+ previewbin.get_by_name('text').set_property('text', str(idx))
+ # query the video-source caps and extract its size
+ caps = videosource.get_static_pad('src').query_caps(None)
+ capsstruct = caps.get_structure(0)
+ srcSize = (
+ capsstruct.get_int('width')[1],
+ capsstruct.get_int('height')[1],
+ )
+ # calculate the ideal scale factor and scale the sizes
+ f = max(srcSize[0] / cellSize[0], srcSize[1] / cellSize[1])
+ scaleSize = (
+ srcSize[0] / f,
+ srcSize[1] / f,
+ )
+ # calculate the top/left coordinate
+ coord = (
+ place[0] * cellSize[0] + (cellSize[0] - scaleSize[0]) / 2,
+ place[1] * cellSize[1] + (cellSize[1] - scaleSize[1]) / 2,
+ )
+ print("placing videosource {} of size {}×{} scaled by {} to {}×{} in a cell {}×{} px cell ({}/{}) at position ({}/{})".format(
+ idx, srcSize[0], srcSize[1], f, scaleSize[0], scaleSize[1], cellSize[0], cellSize[1], place[0], place[1], coord[0], coord[1]))
+ # link the videosource to the input of the preview-bin
+ videosource.link(previewbin.get_by_name('in'))
+ # create and set the caps for the preview-scaler
+ scalecaps = Gst.Caps.new_empty_simple('video/x-raw')
+ scalecaps.set_value('width', round(scaleSize[0]))
+ scalecaps.set_value('height', round(scaleSize[1]))
+ previewbin.get_by_name('caps').set_property('caps', scalecaps)
+ # request a pad from the quadmixer and configure x/y position
+ sinkpad = quadmix.get_request_pad('sink_%u')
+ sinkpad.set_property('xpos', round(coord[0]))
+ sinkpad.set_property('ypos', round(coord[1]))
+ # link the output of the preview-bin to the mixer
+ previewbin.get_by_name('out').link(quadmix)
+ # increment grid position
+ place[0] += 1
+ if place[0] >= grid[0]:
+ place[1] += 1
+ place[0] = 0
+ def createDistributor(self, videosource, name):
+ """create a simple ×2 distributor"""
+ distributor = Gst.parse_bin_from_description("""
+ tee name=t
+ t. ! queue name=a
+ t. ! queue name=b
+ """, False)
+ # set a name and add to pipeline
+ distributor.set_name('distributor({0})'.format(name))
+ self.pipeline.add(distributor)
+ # link input to the tee
+ videosource.link(distributor.get_by_name('t'))
+ return distributor
+ def createDummyCamSources(self):
+ """create test-video-sources from files or urls"""
+ # TODO make configurable
+ uris = ('file:///home/peter/122.mp4', 'file:///home/peter/10025.mp4',)
+ for idx, uri in enumerate(uris):
+ # create a bin for a simulated camera input
+ # force the input resolution to 1024x576 because that way the following elements
+ # in the pipeline cam know the size even if the file is not yet loaded. the quadmixer
+ # is not resize-capable
+ camberabin = Gst.parse_bin_from_description("""
+ uridecodebin name=input
+ input. ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! videorate ! video/x-raw,width=1024,height=576,framerate=25/1 ! identity name=video_src
+ input. ! audioconvert name=audio_src
+ """, False)
+ # set name and uri
+ camberabin.set_name('dummy-camberabin({0})'.format(uri))
+ camberabin.get_by_name('input').set_property('uri', uri)
+ # add to pipeline and pass the bin upstream
+ self.pipeline.add(camberabin)
+ yield camberabin
+ def createCamSources(self):
+ """create real-video-sources from the bmd-drivers"""
+ # TODO make number of installed cams configurable
+ for cam in range(2):
+ # create a bin for camera input
+ camberabin = Gst.parse_bin_from_description("""
+ decklinksrc name=input input=sdi input-mode=1080p25
+ input. ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! videorate ! video/x-raw,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=25/1 ! identity name=video_src
+ input. ! audioconvert name=audio_src
+ """, False)
+ # set name and subdevice
+ camberabin.set_name('camberabin({0})'.format(cam))
+ camberabin.get_by_name('input').set_property('subdevice', cam)
+ # add to pipeline and pass the bin upstream
+ self.pipeline.add(camberabin)
+ yield camberabin
+ def iteratorHelper(self, it):
+ while True:
+ result, value = it.next()
+ if result == Gst.IteratorResult.DONE:
+ break
+ if result != Gst.IteratorResult.OK:
+ raise IteratorError(result)
+ yield value
+ def previewBorderHelper(self, previewbin, enabled, color = 'red'):
+ crop = previewbin.get_by_name('crop')
+ add = previewbin.get_by_name('add')
+ add.set_property('fill', color)
+ for side in ('top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom'):
+ crop.set_property(side, 5 if enabled else 0)
+ add.set_property(side, -5 if enabled else 0)
+ ### below are access-methods for the ControlServer
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def numAudioSources(self):
+ """return number of available audio sources"""
+ liveaudio = self.pipeline.get_by_name('liveaudio')
+ return str(len(list(self.iteratorHelper(liveaudio.iterate_sink_pads()))))
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def switchAudio(self, audiosource):
+ """switch audio to the selected audio"""
+ liveaudio = self.pipeline.get_by_name('liveaudio')
+ pad = liveaudio.get_static_pad('sink_{}'.format(audiosource))
+ if pad is None:
+ return 'unknown audio-source: {}'.format(audiosource)
+ liveaudio.set_property('active-pad', pad)
+ return True
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def numVideoSources(self):
+ """return number of available video sources"""
+ livevideo = self.pipeline.get_by_name('livevideo')
+ return str(len(list(self.iteratorHelper(livevideo.iterate_sink_pads()))))
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def switchVideo(self, videosource):
+ """switch audio to the selected video"""
+ livevideo = self.pipeline.get_by_name('livevideo')
+ pad = livevideo.get_static_pad('sink_{}'.format(videosource))
+ previewbin = self.pipeline.get_by_name('previewbin-{}'.format(videosource))
+ if pad is None or previewbin is None:
+ return 'unknown video-source: {}'.format(videosource)
+ self.previewBorderHelper(previewbin, True, 'green')
+ for iterbin in self.previewbins:
+ if previewbin != iterbin:
+ self.previewBorderHelper(iterbin, False)
+ pad.set_property('alpha', 1)
+ for iterpad in self.iteratorHelper(livevideo.iterate_sink_pads()):
+ if pad != iterpad:
+ #self.previewBorderHelper(iterpad, 0)
+ iterpad.set_property('alpha', 0)
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def fadeVideo(self, videosource):
+ """fade video to the selected video"""
+ raise NotImplementedError("fade command is not implemented yet")
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def setPipVideo(self, videosource):
+ """switch video-source in the PIP to the selected video"""
+ raise NotImplementedError("pip commands are not implemented yet")
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def fadePipVideo(self, videosource):
+ """fade video-source in the PIP to the selected video"""
+ raise NotImplementedError("pip commands are not implemented yet")
+ class PipPlacements:
+ """enumeration of possible PIP-Placements"""
+ TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight = range(4)
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def setPipPlacement(self, placement):
+ """place PIP in the selected position"""
+ assert(isinstance(placement, PipPlacements))
+ raise NotImplementedError("pip commands are not implemented yet")
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def setPipStatus(self, enabled):
+ """show or hide PIP"""
+ raise NotImplementedError("pip commands are not implemented yet")
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def fadePipStatus(self, enabled):
+ """fade PIP in our out"""
+ raise NotImplementedError("pip commands are not implemented yet")
+ class StreamContents:
+ """enumeration of possible PIP-Placements"""
+ Live, Pause, NoStream = range(3)
+ @controlServerEntrypoint
+ def selectStreamContent(self, content):
+ """switch the livestream-content between selected mixer output, pause-image or nostream-imag"""
+ assert(isinstance(content, StreamContents))
+ raise NotImplementedError("pause/nostream switching is not implemented yet")