[[!meta title="Arthursminde"]]

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Post på skattejagt 2023

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#View from Arthursminde.

Around 1900 the Sundby area was already diverse, with small village houses on the side streets, and modern buildings arond Amagerbrogade. Across the street you can spot where photographer Bertelsen established his studio in 1894, which operated until 1910.

Hint: you needed good light to take portaits like these.

[[!img bertelsenphoto.jpg class=solo]]

Lady in rural dress. Amager was a mainly agriculural area outside of Sundby village centre-

[[!img berthelsenkonf.jpg class=solo]]

Photo for Konfirmation (communion). This would have taken place in the church across from the studio.

##The studio in 1896.

Photo of the corner building on the corner og Absalonsgade, now Kurlandskgade. The studio is visible on the fourth floor, Today it's an appartment with nice lighting. But the big windows are not a new renovation.

[[!img abgade1890nr44.jpg class=solo]]
##What's with the street names?

To navigate old Sundby, you need to know the old street names. You can find a map on the church grounds - south east of the church. Look for the hexagons.

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