path: root/vejviseren
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-04-06reformat """long string""" as shortcode with bodyJonas Smedegaard
command: ``` find * -type f -name '*.md' -execdir perl -gpi -e 's/\{\{\s*(note)\(\s*([^"]*?)\s*text="""(.+?)"""\)\s*\}\}/{{% $1($2) %}}\n$3\n{{% end %}}/g;' '{}' + ```
2024-04-06fix image pathsJonas Smedegaard
2024-04-06convert meta and tag directives to TOML frontmatterJonas Smedegaard
command: ``` find * -type f -name '*.md' -execdir perl -MTOML::Tiny=to_toml -C63 -gni -E '%x=();s/\[\[!meta\s+(title|date)="?([^\]"]+?)\s*"?\s*\]\]\s*\n*/$x{$1}=$2;""/eg; s/\[\[!meta\s+stylesheet="?edu"?\s+rel="?stylesheet"?\s*\]\]\n*/$x{taxonomies}{categories}=["education"];""/e; s/\[\[!tag((?:\s+[^\]\s]+)+)\s*\]\]\n*/push @{$x{taxonomies}{tags}}, $1=~m{\S+}g;""/eg; s/\[\[!meta\s+(?:author|name)="?([^\]"]+?)\s*"?\s*\]\]\s*\n*/$x{extra}{author}=$1;""/eg; say "+++"; say to_toml({%x}); say "+++"; say $_' '{}' + ```
2024-04-06convert img and template directives to shortcodesJonas Smedegaard
command: ``` find * -type f -name '*.md' -execdir perl -gpi -e 's/\[\[!img\s+([^\s\]"]+)(\s(?:[^\]]|"[^"]*")+?)?\s*\]\]/{{ img(path="$1"$2) }}/g; s/\[\[!template\s+id="?(columns|note|video)"?\s+([^\]]+?)\s*\]\]/{{ $1($2) }}/g;' '{}' + ```
2024-04-06rename *.mdwn to */, except index/topbar/farbar/sidebar filesJonas Smedegaard
command: ``` perl -MPath::Tiny -WE 'use strict; path(".")->visit(sub{return unless -f && /\.mdwn$/; my $stem=$_->basename(".mdwn"); my $new=$_->sibling($stem,""); return if $stem =~ /^index|topbar|sidebar|farbar|footer$/ || $new->exists; $new->parent->mkpath; system("git","mv", $_, $new)},{recurse=>1})' ```
2024-04-06normalize directives to always quote variablesJonas Smedegaard
command: ``` find * -type f -name '*.mdwn' -execdir perl -gpi -e 's/(?:class|link|size|stem|width|height)=\K[^=\s"\]>]+/"$&"/g;' '{}' + ```
2024-04-06drop dummy linksJonas Smedegaard
2024-04-06really fix pathsJonas Smedegaard
2024-04-06Merge branch 'master' of ↵Jonas Smedegaard
2024-04-06fix some pathsJonas Smedegaard
2024-04-02(no commit message)paul
2024-03-24(no commit message)paul
2024-03-21(no commit message)paul
2024-03-21(no commit message)paul
2024-03-21(no commit message)paul
2024-03-21text and markup corrections, fix linksSiri Reiter
2024-03-21small text correctionsSiri Reiter
2024-03-21fix dateSiri Reiter
2024-03-21(no commit message)paul
2024-03-21(no commit message)paul
2024-03-20(no commit message)paul
2024-03-20(no commit message)paul
2024-03-20(no commit message)paul
2024-03-20(no commit message)paul
2024-03-20(no commit message)paul
2024-03-20(no commit message)paul
2024-02-05(no commit message)paul
2024-02-05(no commit message)paul
2024-02-05(no commit message)paul
2024-02-05(no commit message)paul
2024-02-05(no commit message)paul
2024-02-05(no commit message)paul
2024-01-30text correctionsSiri Reiter
2024-01-30move directories to vejviserenSiri Reiter
2024-01-30(no commit message)paul
2024-01-27(no commit message)paul
2024-01-19(no commit message)paul
2024-01-19correct textSiri Reiter
2024-01-19fix image link and image classesSiri Reiter
2024-01-19fix linkSiri Reiter
2024-01-19move article into blog VejviserenSiri Reiter
2023-12-14correct text and markupSiri Reiter
2023-12-01(no commit message)paul
2023-12-01fix image link and correct text in captionsSiri Reiter
2023-12-01(no commit message)paul
2023-12-01(no commit message)paul
2023-12-01(no commit message)paul
2023-12-01add line breaksSiri Reiter