path: root/en/wt.mdwn
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#Walk & Talk

Walk & Talk is a possibility to 'get fresh air' physically and mentally.

Choose Walk & Talk

  • when you want to or/ need to have good company with another human being capable of being mindfull and listening
  • when you just want to have company
  • when you want someone to share your joys and succeses with
  • when you just want to share the joy of being here and now, now, now, now.

[[Read more|wt]]

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Walk & Talk is

  • Active meditation
  • Mindfull walking
  • Open air Coaching light
  • Being here and now
  • Sharing joy of being alive.

Walk means walk, so we walk, make stops, sits down, admire, breath, however/whatever our impulses are.

Talk means talk. If you want to talk we talk, If you prefer silence, we are silet. Or, a combination. We can have a conversation, or you can talk while I listen. You decide.

You can talk to me

  • about private secrets or considerations, sorrows or joys
  • about your wishes or dreams in order to get inspiration to manifest them stepp by step, inch by inch.

I prefer meeting early in the morning, before 'rumbling of life' begins.

Jeg foretrækker at mødes tidligt om morgenen/ formiddagen før "alverdens støj" blander sig, men vi kan mødes - hvor og når - du og jeg er enige om tid, sted og pris.

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Walk & Talk er lige så naturligt, som
at gå til frisør - for at få klippet dit hår...
at gå til dans - for at lære at danse...

Vælg Walk & Talk for at få eller vedligeholde glæde og klarhed...


Læs om Morgentur i Fredensborg [[her|wt/morgentur]]
Læs om Wall & Talk i Bærhaven i Danstrup [[her|wt/baerhaven]]
Læs om Gå og tal med dig selv [[her|wt/bekraeftelser]]
Læs om Lær dansk, mens vi går [[her|/dansk/wt]]
Læs om Turistgåtur [[her|/wt/turist]]

Se [[priser|wt/priser]] her.
For forslag til tidspunkt og dato for et møde:
Send en e-mail til
Eller send sms eller ring via 29 31 79 01.


[[!tag enkeltpersoner walk_and_talk samvaer samtale lytning coaching produkt]]