#Prices for Learn Danish with ease
##Danish lessons face-to-face where we meet
In the Copenhagen area:
1 person:
First meeting of 2 hours: DKK 1.050 *+
Second and following meetings: 1 x 2 hours: DKK 900 *+
3 x 2 timer: DKK 2.400 *+
15 x 2 timer: DKK 10.500 *+
- += Surcharge for meeting room and transportation as per agreement.
You might want to invest in books and other ressources. Estimated costs betveen DKK 100 & DKK 1.000 kr.
Learning together with one or more colleagues or friends is a possibility, too.
Surcharge of 50% per person =
2 students: 15 x 2 timer: DKK 15.750 *+
3 students: 15 x 2 timer: DKK 21.000 *+
4 students: 15 x 2 timer: DKK 26.250 *+
Prices at other location in- or outside Denmark as per agreement.
Danish lessons via phone or Skype
First 20 minutes are free.
Suggest time and weekday that suits you via info@birgitmaanestraale.dk
##The greater your commitment the less you pay per session.
45 x 40 minutes Danish focus via Skype or phone: DKK 10.500 .
15 x 40 minutes Danish focus via Skype or phone: DKK 4.500.
8 x 40 minutes Danish focus via Skype or phone: DKK: 2.000.
4 x 40 minutes Danish focus via Skype or phone: DKK 1.200.
1 x 40 minutes Danish focus via Skype or phone: DKK 350.
First session of 20 minutes is free. Book by sending an e-mail to info@birgitmaanestraale.dk
##Danish lessons as Walk & Talk
Prices valid at Christianshavn (Copenhagen), Waterfront (Hellerup) and Fredensborg:
You can either choose:
Discount card = 6 x 30 minuts for DKK 900. +*
Use one or more clip at each meeting, as you please.
Choose to pay as you go:
DKK 250 +* for 1 x 30 minutes
DKK 350 +* for 1 x 45 minutes
DKK 450 +* for 1 x 60 minutes
DKK 650 +* for 1 x 90 minutes.
+* = Additional payment for entrance, bus, cup of the etc.
Prices other places than Christianshavn, Waterfront and Fredensborg, in- and outside Denmark, as per agreement.
##Choose a learn Danish with ease 'packet'
Packet A
12 x 2 hours where we meet
12 x 40 minutes via Skype =
DKK 10.800 *+
Packet B
12 x 2 hours where we meet
20 x 40 minutes via Skype =
DKK 12.400 *+
Packet C
16 x 2 hours where we meet
16 x 40 minutes via Skype =
DKK 14.400 *+
The prices includes Danish VAT and are valid from March 25th 2017.
- += Surcharge as per agreement for meeting room and transportation.
When you have purchased packet A, B or C you can buy additional Skypesessions in modules of 4 x 40 minutter for DKK 1.000.
All amounts to be prepaid to my account in Danske Bank:
Registrationnumber: 3544.
Accountnumber: 35 44 36 59 67.
Please write your name and your phonenumber in the box for information to the receiver,
when you have made the transfer please send an
e-mail til: info@birgitmaanestraale.dk
For appointments:
Birgit Månestråle
Jernbanegade 26
3480 Fredensborg
Text to: 29 31 79 01.
[[Click here|/en/danish]] in order to read the decription of your possibilities of learning Danish with ease with Birgit Månestråle.
[[!tag dansk danish language_training learn_danish, laer_dansk_hver_dag, learn_danish_with_ease udtale samtale enetimer hold_undervisning Individuel Individuel_undervisning hele_Danmark Danmark Sjaelland Jylland Bornholm Falster Langeland Lolland Samsoe Nordsjaelland the_mobile_danish_teacher]]