# Walk & Talk with a local  

##Are you a visitor to Fredensborg? 
And: Do you want a personal tourguide with whom you can 'walk & talk'?

While on holiday you might want to ’catch the possibility’ of getting an extraordinary experience of ’being present here and now’, picking up ideas or solutions on subjects of importance to you, while strolling in the beautiful suroundings of Fredensborg  Castle in the northern Zealand, Denmark.

Choose time with me, Birgit Månestråle, who have lived in this cosy town for more than a decade and as a profession, since 1985, practices as teacher and coach with the aim of personal growth.

I offer you walks of approx. 2 hours around the castle of Fredensborg, the summerresidens of Queen Margrethe the II.

While walking and talking with focus of subjects important to you, we can enjoy the well trimmed gardens of the Castle, enjoy the sculptures of Norwegian and Faroese natives, made of sandstone, in Nordmandsdalen, enjoy the lake of Esrum, and walk on trails where most often, only the local citizens pass.

If you prefer, we can visit one of the local bakeries (one is glutenfree), a café or just sit on a bench while enjoying a refreshment. As a summer visitor, be sure to enjoy a Hansen ice cream at 'Ishuset" at the lake of Esrum (before, during or after our tour).
Also: You might want to visit the local bookstore to obtain historical information of the castle and the town.

Meeting point: Hotel Store Kro at the tourist office in Slotsgade 6 - DK-3480 Fredensborg.

Duration: Approximately 2 - 2 1/2 hours.
Choose hours between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. all year.

Fee: DKK 850** for one person   
Fee: DKK 1.250** for couples   

** = plus costs to refreshments if wanted, plus entrance fee to the Royal Palace and the Royal garden, if wanted.

For more information *and booking* e-mail to: <info@birgitmaanestraale.dk>  
or SMS/text to: +45 29 31 79 01.

Payment to Danske Bank:  
3544 - 3544 36 59 67  

IBAN: DK73 3000 3544 3659 67   

For text in Danish, [[click here.|/wt/turist]]

[[!tag tourist walk talk fredensborg single couple family walk_and_talk talk_to-a_local local turist]]