#Space for you - nuances [[!img icon.png class=icon size=150x150 link=none]] [[!if test="included()" then=""" Her står din intro-tekst [[Læs mere her|content]] """ else=""" ##Space for you comes in many forms. 1. As a conversation - just for you - about you - with me 2. As workshops - just for you - with me, where you are introduced to tools for a better life, trying them out hands-on, while 'I'm there for you' 3. As workshops and life experience exchange in a group, small or bigger as of your choice. 4. Long term engagement as 'personal-development-packages' of one week, one month or 6 months. [[Click here|/en/space_for_you]] to read more about *Space for you*. [[Click here|en/space_for_you/prices]] to see prices. """]] [[!tag space]]