#Write Positive Diary [[!img icon.png class=icon size=200x200 link=none]] Journaling = writing in a notebook in which you *only* write something that *you* think is positive - can change your life to the better. The secret about writing Positive Diary is, to do it *every day*. That is important. What you write is not that important, as long as *you* think that what you write in your Positive Diary is positive, joyful or filled with bliss or thankfulness. My personal experience with writing Positive Diary began for more than 30 years ago at a time where my live was very challenging. By writing something positive *every day' for 3 months 'changed my life' to the very better. Try it yourself. Writing affect our subconsciousness profoundly. ##If you want to use Positive Diary as a tool If you want to use writing in your Positive Diary as a tool for selfdevelopment you shall - for at least 3 months - write something positive *every day*. For inspiration: Get the free ebook: *Write Positve Diary* by sending an email to: <info@birgitmaanestraale.dk> . ##Want to enroll in a workshop? If you want to enroll in a workshop or if you want to choose coaching one-on-one let me know by writing to <info@birgitmaanestraale.dk> [[!tag positive_diary personal_development selfconfidence]]