#Learn Danish as we Walk & Talk

Pick up words, while we walk and  talk  
lets meet in surroundings in which you want to learn - useful - or - needed words, as fx.  

 * in your office   
 * in a café  
 * where you study  
 * in vuggestuen or børnehaven  
 * at the doctor  
 * at the library  
 * on a bench  
 * in a train, bus or boat  
 * in a shop  
 * at an exhibition or a museum  
 * any place of importance to you.  

You get to choose the topic - and to suggest a place.

##Learn Danish as we walk and talk.

*Motion reinforces learning*  

*Being on location increases your learning, too*

[[!more linktext="Read more here" text="""  

When meeting with me, learning new words 'on location' you will, of course, also increase your pronunciation skills and your self-confidence.  

##With me you actually do speak Danish.

While  together, either of us can ask  

 * what it this?  
 * what is 'such a thing' called?  
 * will you spell it for me?
 * What's ............ called in Danish? 
 * What is your opinion on ...  
 * I like ............. what about you?

Whatever pops up we'll talk about.

Bring a notebook and a pen.
##Book a time   

If you want to improve your Danish in this walking/ talking way, then send me an e-mail via <info@birgitmaanestraale.dk> in which you suggest a date and a time between 8 am and 8 pm all seven weekdays, when you want to meet 'only you and me'.  

If you want to improve your Danish while walking and talking with others - then, also: Send me an e-mail and I'll let you know when and where you can join.

Prices valid until December 16th 2016 in Fredensborg and/ or København/ Copenhagen for *Learn Danish while we Walk & Talk*:

###Prices when you and I meet

Discount card  =  6 x 30 minuts for DKK 900. +* (I.e. DKK 150 per 1/2 hour).   
Use one or more clip at each meeting, as you please.

Choose to pay as you go:  
DKK 250 +*  for 1 x 30 minutes  
DKK 350 +* for 1 x 45 minutes  
DKK 450 +* for 1 x 60 minutes.  

###Prices when you choose to meet with me and others in  København/ Copenhagen:    
Prepayment for 4 x approx. 1 hour = DKK 300 +*   
Prepayment for 1 x approx. 1 time = DKK 100  +*  
Payment on the date we meet approx. 1 x 1 hour DKK 150 +*      

###Do you want to receive information about dates for Walk & Talk in Copenhagen (with others),  
then write: 'Ja, til at tale dansk med Birgit Månestråle' + your name, your city and your e-mailadress to <info@birgitmaanestraale.dk>  

+* = Additional payment for entrance, bus, cup of the etc.

*Prices other places than Copenhagen*, in' and outside Denmark, as per agreement.

You find banking details [[here.|/priser/indbetaling]]  

Read about other ways to learn Danish [[here.|/en/danish]]


[[!tag aktuel aktiviteter notes kursus priser dansk walk_talk gaa tal nye ord nye_ord koebenhavn fredensborg laer_dansk wt mobile_danish_teacher danish]]