path: root/fixme.mdwn
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2009-11-09(no commit message)
2009-11-04Add text and mark up.
2009-11-04Add explanatory text.
2009-11-01(no commit message)
2009-10-12slettet "brev" af 1. september samt linier vedr. metatags - 29.8.
2009-09-01(no commit message)
2009-08-29(no commit message)
2009-08-29(no commit message)
2009-08-27(no commit message)
2009-08-12Oprettet overskriften: Birgit - gør
2009-08-12Remove and move items.
2009-08-12(no commit message)
2009-08-11(no commit message)
2009-08-11(no commit message)
2009-08-11(no commit message)
2009-08-11(no commit message)
2009-08-06(no commit message)
2009-07-17Remove items.Siri Reiter
2009-07-16(no commit message)
2009-07-16Add item.
2009-07-16Remove item.
2009-07-16Remove items.
2009-07-10Tilføjet spørgsmål - om redigering øverst
2009-07-09(no commit message)
2009-07-09(no commit message)
2009-07-09(no commit message)
2009-07-09(no commit message)
2009-07-09Links der ikke virker - tilføjelse
2009-07-09(no commit message)
2009-07-09Spørgsmål om hvordan indsættes tekst
2009-07-09Stillet spørgsmål til Siri - øverst på siden vedr. introsidetekster
2009-07-09slettet opgaven: Skriv tekst til Isbrydning/intro
2009-07-09(no commit message)
2009-07-09(no commit message)
2009-07-09(no commit message)
2009-07-09Edit markup.
2009-07-09Remove done item.
2009-07-08Add link and edit fixme.Siri Reiter
2009-07-07Add items.Siri Reiter
2009-07-07Add pdf files, add links and edit fixme.Siri Reiter
2009-07-07Edit fixme.Siri Reiter
2009-07-07Remove items taken care of and move some to next level.Siri Reiter
2009-07-05(no commit message)
2009-07-04oprettet nyt punkt i Fixme: Birgits kommentarer til navigation
2009-07-04(no commit message)
2009-07-04Change link and remove FIXME item.Siri Reiter
2009-07-04(no commit message)
2009-07-04(no commit message)
2009-07-04Links der ikke virker - individuel tankevending - forslag til navngivning
2009-07-03Merge branch 'master' of coreander:/srv/git/ Reiter