AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-01-15Add 'lytning' and 'udviklingssamtaler' and link in sidebar.Siri Reiter
2009-01-15Remove old listing in 'enkeltpersoner' and make separate sidebar.Siri Reiter
2009-01-15Add 'priser' - and links for it.Siri Reiter
2009-01-15Add new text for coaching/intro - same as in 'enkeltpersoner'.Siri Reiter
2009-01-15New teaser for coaching (in enkeltpersoner). Add note (text to be used later).Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Cleanup text in praktisk for e-mailcoaching.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09sidebar for e-mailcoaching.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Remove text about price in e-mailcoaching.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Link for more text in emailcoaching/intro.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Add e-mailcoaching to sidebar.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Add coaching with less text again.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Put text from priser into praktisk. Change links in sidebar.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Link to udbytte in intro of coaching.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Moving and renaming texts, changing links about coaching.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Moving and renaming texts, changing links about coaching.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Coaching moved to folder and renamed coach.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09New stucture in texts about coaching: into and praktisk, descriptions moved a...Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Add all about e-mailcoaching.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Style: Sidebar selflink blue.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Style: No content float.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Style: Content margin.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Style: Wrapper.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Content float right.Siri Reiter
2009-01-09Content appearence.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Change sidebar link to 'praktisk'.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Add sidebar igen - test.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Style 'sidebar' fra Reiter
2009-01-08Oprette coachingsiderne 'hvorfor', 'praktisk', 'priser', 'udbytte' og 'sidebar'.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Punkter rettet.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Punkter rettet.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Add coaching.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Remove description abourt coaching in enkeltpersoner.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Topbar img removed.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Style: Topbar p removed.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Searchform position.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Searchform position.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Searchform position.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Searchform position.Siri Reiter
2009-01-08Ekstra menupunkter fjernet fra topbar og lagt i fixme.Siri Reiter
2009-01-07Logo img link without exclamation markSiri Reiter
2009-01-07Style: topbar logoSiri Reiter
2009-01-07Style: topbarSiri Reiter
2009-01-07Style: pageinfo nicerSiri Reiter
2008-12-10Local CSS: Add blue color for headlines and links.Siri Reiter
2008-12-10Add local CSS.Siri Reiter
2008-12-10'Index': Remove stroke. Link to 'birgit'.Siri Reiter
2008-12-10'Topbar': New content.Siri Reiter
2008-12-10'Index': New text.Siri Reiter
2008-12-09'Fixme' added.Siri Reiter
2008-12-08'Enkeltpersoner': Double break before list added. 'Coachingfolder' added.Siri Reiter